It’s been over a month, this blog is well needed. Sorry for not blogging in a while! The owners of thelatesthype are all very busy, with school and extra activities. We will try to get on as much as possible a lot more.

So.. To the stuff you all want to read about.

We’ve been noticing MANY blogs in the twitter world.. All very sloppy. Let us just say, if you’re going to take the time to make a blog and have readers, don’t disappoint and swear in almost every sentence. Again, this is just our opinion, but reading “fuck”, “slut”, you know.. Words like that, over and over again is just getting annoying. There are much better descriptive words. Just a tip, if you bloggers are reading this.

Okay, so now if you’re actively in the ‘Twitter world’ you would have heard about this blog ‘ih8bitches’ (nice name….), it seems all they want is attention and to get Justin Bieber in trouble. You would think that after being suspended about 10 or so times, they would give up… Stop making a twitter, stop hacking and such, but no. Not them. They, unlike other people, have too much time (nothing wrong with that). Also, you would know that they were obsessed with a girl named Nikkii (nikkiisayshi) and completely intruded in her personal life and took it to the above.. Yes, you thought right, they hacked her, not only did they hack her, but they went through all her dm’s and posted them. This was all before they made their blog  ( if you’re bored and don’t have much taste, have fun). They hacked many people and exposed their dm’s. They say they know Chaz, Ryan, and Justin Bieber.. But really… Who believes that? If they knew them, they wouldn’t have to hack people to find out why Chaz followed a girl (But really, who cares who Chaz follows? He’s a boy, let him follow who he wants). They wouldn’t have to call Jake V out on being ‘fake’ if they lived in Stratford, they would know him and would have the balls to tell the Stratford boys who they are.

By the way ih8bithes, if you’re reading this and are gonna tell us that you never said you knew the Stratty boys or Justin, you’re lying. But, the sad thing is we can’t prove it because you get suspended so much.. So please, ‘anon’, next time you get deleted, just stay off. Your drama is not needed or even interesting. You make all your stuff up from what we here.



“pwning whores worldwide” Seriously? That’s all you can think of..?