You’ve probably heard about this because it seems this is all Beliebers like to talk about. Apparently, at Justin’s concert tonight there’s going to be a bunch of protesters.

People, especially Beliebers are FA-REAKING out because their precious Bieber might get hurt.

 Seriously people, you need to understand the fact that Justin probably won’t be outside the arena except for like, two seconds to walk to and from his vehicle. TWO SECONDS. Two seconds is nothing.

Also, consider the fact that his security is most likely the best… EVER so there’s really no chance of him getting hurt… at all.

These Belieber bitches are talking about how they’re going to be ‘heartbroken if he gets hurt.’ Seriously? You don’t even know the kid.

There’s also a bunch of TwitLongers asking everyone to pray for him. That is just ridiculous. Why are people so obsessed?

We think you should shut up, before we hurt you.



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